Homo Sapiens


28 Jan
202015 A.H.

Human Evolution: Homo Sapiens -> Society -> Human Progress

Most videos on this site reflect the generally accepted theories on Human Evolution and the Emergence of Civilization and Society. However, alternative theories exist that should not be discharged as they sometimes answer questions that cannot be thouroughly explained by official theories.

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Is ancient history much older than we are tought?

01 Dec
202014 A.H.

(20 thousand years ago - year 99,9996 (3,5 hours ago) on the 100 year time-scale)

Posted By Admin read more

Evolution of Homo Sapiens

30 Nov
202014 A.H.

(20 million years ago - year 99,6 (july) on the 100 year time-scale)

Posted By Admin read more
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