Are we facing the Sixth Mass Extinction? Is human being responsible for this ecological disaster? This documentary investigates these questions to offer a track to find answers.
Throughout the history of evolution five great catastrophes have affected the Earth's surface. After them, life had to re-organize itself as of the surviving species. Today, 27.000 species disappear each year, a figure equal or higher than those which devastated the Earth during the previous extinction processes.
The following video explores the still unfolding story of Earth's past and the light it sheds on the science of climate change today. While that story can tell us about the mechanisms that can shape our climate. it's still the unique conditions of our time that will determine sea levels, ice coverage, and temperatures.
Ever since the Big Bang originated the universe, all that exists and is entered in an everlasting Cosmic Evolution; not just life, but also our planet and the universe as a whole, in ohter words, all of nature. This evolution is characterized by just one constantly repeating event: nothing else but a continuous increase of existing complexity.
(5.000 Million years ago: the year 001 on the 100 year time-scale) Our solar system began as a cloud of dust, left over from supernovas of older stars, that in their final explosion produced the heavier elements which formed the inner, rocky planets, including our home planet Earth.
Snowball Earth describes a theory that for millions of years the Earth was entirely smothered in ice, stretching from the poles to the tropics. This freezing happened over 650 million years ago in the Pre-Cambrian, though it's now thought that there may have been more than one of these global glaciations. They varied in duration and extent but during a full-on snowball event, life could only cling on in ice-free refuges, or where sunlight managed to penetrate through the ice to allow photosynthesis.
To put it simple a fractal is a form that is self-repeating on every scale (not necessarily 100% exact), in the same way that branches of a big tree actually look like smaller trees. You find it back in the forms of plants, in the structure of our lungs or in the structure of rivers and mountains.
Fractals - Hunting the hidden dimension
Mysteriously beautiful fractals are shaking up the world of mathematics and deepening our understanding of nature. You may not know it, but fractals, like the air you breathe, are all around you.
Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan (via satellite) discuss the Big Bang theory, God, our existence as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Het Human Progress Netwerk is een onafhankelijk project, in constante ontwikkeling, vooralsnog individueel en met beperkte middelen. De ontwikkeling zal voorlopig dus langzaam zijn, maar mischien is dat juist goed, als tegenstelling tot fast food, fast money en fast lives, en in de lijn van de Slow Food filosofie. Zo gauw de omstandigheden het toelaten worden de websites ondergebracht onder een daarvoor op te zetten stichting met de volgende visie en missie.
In eerste instantie wordt veel van de info in het Engels geschreven, voor de hoogste internationale dekking, gebrek aan tijd voor vertaling, maar ook omdat de meeste videos helaas alleen in het engels bestaan (hulp of suggesties voor vertaling/ondertiteling is welkom :) Andere initiële webs van het HuPro Netwerk:
Independency Project gericht op het terugwinnen van een zeker mate van onafhankelijkheid, voor individu en klein collectief, van de overheersing door banken, corporaties en de grote industrie in deze moderne "beschaving".
Inspiration Tree voor het globaal delen en ontwikkelen van inspiraties en ideeën als een doorgaande, openbare, transparante en collectieve brainstormsessie, zij het voor oplossingen of verbetering van bestaande problemen of als initiële bron voor nieuwe input voor nieuwe ontwikkelingen, zowel op individueel, lokaal of wereldwijd vlak.
Er zijn meer web-inspiraties, maar ze bestaan alleen nog in een conceptueel stadium.