Being aware of and knowing to appreciate the harmony and beauty of cosmic laws and forces as well of the magic of life and consciousness, is an undisputable premise to allow for any further Human Progress, since we are no more than just one of the last steps (at least as we know of) in the long chain of an everlasting cosmic evolution.
For those who have not yet grasped this understanding or, on the contrary, want to reinforce this awareness, Human Progress strongly and passionately recommends the following sequence of videos, just for a start ;) Enjoy!
One of Carl Sagan's most pertinent messages for humanity.
Vision and starting point for Human Progress Network
The starting point is a very simple question:
"The Human Species (Homo Sapiens) seems to have emerged some 200.000 years ago. So, how about our next 200.000 years?"
In our individual lives, we humans frequently think about our own future over a time span that is equal to or even greater than our own age (up to a certain age of course). In that same way Human Progres Network would like to think, theorize and fantasize about our collective future as a species. And we as very little, no further than just our own age, of some 200.000 years would be enough. On a geological time scale this is no more than the blink of an eye. And most probably we are just infants, just starting to discover our own existance.
Keep in mind that all of the following WILL unavoidably end up in yOur own front-yard if we don't decide right now to make an end to yOur produce-and-waste-based 'civilization'.
In the videos about the evolution of the cosmos, the earth or life there is a concept that seems to repeat itself in several ocasions: the fact that evolution is about the increase of complexity.
The world is full of inspiring initiatives and references, that have the capacity to wake up people or to trigger (more) action from people who have already started to wake up and are becoming aware.
This page is simply for compiling references for possibly more specific distribution over this website later on.
Initially Human Progress would have liked to simply compile, share and discuss all possible hypotheses regarding the progress of humanity in a natural way, as species and in a social sense on a long term, evolutionairy scale over tens or even hundreds of generations. The intention would be to try to create an idea of our possible long-term future options, over the same time interval as we have already covered in our form of Homo Sapiens, about some 200.000 years.
The Human Progress Network is an independent and, for now, individual project under continuous development, with limited resources. So, its own progress will be slow for now, but maybe that is just about right, as opposed to fast food, fast money or fast lives and in the line of the Slow Food philosophy. As soon as the circumstances allow it the website(s) will be put in a foundation with the following vision and mission. Most information is initially created in english ("generic") for the highest coverage, lack of time for translation, but also because, quite unfortunately, most of the used videos simply exist only in english (help or suggestions for translation/subtitling or existing versions in other languages are welcome :) Other initial webs of the HuPro Network:
Independency Project for a better world, we first need to become independent (again) from the fierce and ruthless dominance over modern 'civilization' by banks, corporations, big industry and the "growth" concept.
Inspiration Tree for global sharing and development of inspirations/ideas as an ongoing, open, transparent, collective brainstorm session either for solutions or improvement on individual, local or global issues or as input for further progress.
More web-inspirations do exist but only in a conceptual stage yet.