
Quantum Biology (Life!)

13 Jan
202016 A.H.


Quantum Biology: The Hidden Nature of Nature

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Science is sexy!

17 Oct
202015 A.H.

Or better said, understanding how the world that surrounds you works is sexy: the world, nature and all of the universe. 

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Quantum physics

20 Sep
202015 A.H.

Quantum physics stands at the base of all existence. It implies matter, space, energy and possibly vibration or even time and reality. Until some hundred years ago life was simple and all matter was supposed to be build out of atoms, which were thought to be the smallest undividable parts of matter as if they were tiny marbles. Now the atom itself is known to consist of quarks. And quarks at their turn might consist of even smaller and more weird stuff called strings, which would be no more than just a kind of vibrational substance that may present itself as matter or as energy.

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Sound -> Vibration -> Waves -> Cymatics

20 Sep
202015 A.H.

This video isn't really Science versus Music, but rather one of the places where Science and Art meet. In this case the science makes the music visible.
This kind of science is called Cymatics


Collin's Lab: DIY Cymatics

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Natural law & order: Fractals

25 Jul
202014 A.H.

To put it simple a fractal is a form that is self-repeating on every scale (not necessarily 100% exact), in the same way that branches of a big tree actually look like smaller trees. You find it back in the forms of plants, in the structure of our lungs or in the structure of rivers and mountains.



Fractals - Hunting the hidden dimension

Mysteriously beautiful fractals are shaking up the world of mathematics and deepening our understanding of nature. You may not know it, but fractals, like the air you breathe, are all around you. 

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Natural law & order: Fibonacci

29 Mar
202013 A.H.

The Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci is the name of an Italian mathematic who introduced a very specific sequence of numbers to Western European mathematics in 1202, although it had already been known in India for centuries: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...

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