
Gods... creators... and such...

27 Feb
202016 A.H.

 Stephen Hawking THERE IS NO GOD !!



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The limits of our understanding

26 Feb
202016 A.H.

The limits of our understanding



The science of nothing

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About reality

12 Jan
202016 A.H.

Reserving space for yet another fascinating subject. ;) In fact, maybe the most interesting subject of all.Reality!with two fundamental questions... or is it one and the same question?

  1. Is reality real?
  2. Does reality really exist?

Curiously, you could say there is a counter question that even if in opposite direction, it eventually might lead to the same outcome...Nothing

  1. Does the "nothing" exist?

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06 Jan
202016 A.H.

Water = intelligent, has memory and even emotions?

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The fifth dimension?

12 Dec
202015 A.H.

According to the latest mathematical (quantum) models 11 dimensions would be be needed to make it all work. As with all scientific models and theories, it is not 'true' or an accepted 'fact' as long as it is not empirically proven. So for the quantum model to be fully accepted and considered right, we need to find more than twice the number of dimensions than we now know of. This seems like quite an undoable job.

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